Our vision, our promise
In this Monday post I want to share something more personal about our vision.
Our product offer at Da Noi is definitely becoming more sought after, with the natural evolution of our experience. It’s time to tell you why I have decided to change my whole life to follow this dream.
When I arrived here in 2012 for my Bentley adventure I immediately identified a gap in the Italian hospitality scene. As a very passionate eater and wine drinker, it was difficult for me to find several high quality establishments focusing on real, authentic, good food and wines with care and attention. Plus, I noticed that the concept of “Eating Italian” was awkwardly distorted.. and I could not seriously figure out why.
I found it difficult to understand why the same people that rave about the food they have during their trips in Italy.. mass-populate the floors of local establishments that would not exist in our home country.
Almost ten years later, that gap still exists. We founded Da Noi three years ago as the stepping stone of our wider vision. Da Noi has so far allowed us to send the message that Italian restaurants indeed are different in our country. 90% of them look like us.
Whilst we focus on Da Noi’s growth and work on our venue move, we bring forward our vision in parallel.
It would be too obvious to say we could open Da Noi Manchester, Da Noi Edinburgh, Da Noi Chelsea. It would definitely work, wouldn’t it?
Our intention is instead to develop a complete brand with many different branches. One per every key aspect of the Italian hospitality in our country. Think of what you like to eat and drink when you are there, think of all the beautiful experiences in a restaurant, in a wine bar serving “aperitivo”, in an ice-cream shop, in a pizzeria to name a few.
We want to create this here in UK and we are thrilled by this view to take shape over the next decade. I will share more about this in the future.. but look out for project number two to come along soon!
Until next time – Fabrizio